
  • The findings of the Committee for Investigation of National Aviation Accidents

    On the basis of the studies and analysis performed, the Committee established that the immediate cause of the accident was the descent below the minimum descent altitude at an excessive rate of descent in weather conditions which prevented visual contact with the ground, as well as a delayed execution of the go-around procedure. Those circumstances led to an impact on a terrain obstacle resulting in separation of a part of the left wing with aileron and consequently to the loss of aircraft control and eventual ground impact.
  • The Committee had submitted the report to the Prime Minister

    On 27 June 2011, the Prime Minister Donald Tusk had received the final report of the Committee for Investigation of National Aviation Accidents into establishing the causes and all the circumstances of the Tu-154M plane crash (tail number 101) in Smoleńsk. The Commission also forwarded the report to translate into English and Russian. Immediately after completing the translation, the report will be made public. The Prime Minister will not be requested to report any corrections.
  • Poland's comments on the work of air traffic controllers in Smolensk

    “We want to show evidence supporting Polish comments on the IAC report”, said the Chairman of the Committee for Investigation of National Aviation Accidents and Head of the Ministry of Interior and Administration, Jerzy Miller, during the presentation of the flight simulation showing the circumstances of the 10 April 2010 Tu-154M plane crash.
  • Final report of IAC with recommendations for changes to the draft report

    The Committee for Investigation of National Aviation Accidents highlighted the discrepancies between the draft report and the IAC Final Report.
  • Minister Jerzy Miller’s comments on the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) report

    - We are not disputing the allegations of the Russian party against the Polish party regarding the Smolensk plane crash, said the Minister of Interior and Administration, Jerzy Miller in his comments on the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) report presented on 12 January 2011 in Moscow. He believes that both parties were equally unprepared for flights both on 7th and 10th April 2010. He also pointed out that there were some irregularities in the way the air traffic control tower operated in Smolensk.
  • więcej


  • Members of the Polish Committee

    The 34 members of the Polish Committee investigating the causes of the plane crash in Smolensk, chaired by Jerzy Miller, Minister of Interior and Administration, include experts on both military and civil aviation accidents.

    Also lawyers specializing in international and Polish aviation law, active professional passenger airlines pilots, passenger airports service employees, experts in air transport security were invited to participate in the Committeuch wide composition of the Committee ensures an in-depth analysis of all factors that had any influence on the 10 April 2010 incident both in terms of military and civil procedures.

    The 34 members of the Polish Committee investigating the causes of the plane crash in Smolensk, chaired by Jerzy Miller, Minister of Interior and Administration, include experts on both military and civil aviation accidents.Also lawyers specializing in international and Polish aviation law, active professional passenger airlines pilots, passenger airports service employees, experts in air transport security were invited to participate in the Committee.Such wide composition of the Committee ensures an in-depth analysis of all factors that had any influence on the 10 April 2010 incident both in terms of military and civil procedureThe 34 members of the Polish Committee investigating the causes of the plane crash in Smolensk, chaired by Jerzy Miller, Minister of Interior and Administration, include experts on both military and civil aviation accidents.

    Also lawyers specializing in international and Polish aviation law, active professional passenger airlines pilots, passenger airports service employees, experts in air transport security were invited to participate in the committee.

    Such wide composition of the Committee ensures an in-depth analysis of all factors that had any influence on the 10 April 2010 incident both in terms of military and civil procedures.

  • więcej

Records of the conversations of the Tu-154 M crew

  • Records of the conversations of the Tu-154 M crew members

    Records of the conversations of crew members of the Tu-154 M aircraft, which crashed on 10 April 2010 while approaching to land at the Smoleńsk “North” Airport. (MARS-BM audio recorder). The document was handed over by the IAC to the Polish officials on 31 May 2010.
  • więcej